To donate to The OEIS Foundation Inc.
Donations to The OEIS Foundation Inc. can be made in several ways.
DISCLAIMER: Donations to the OEIS Foundation should be tax deductible for U.S. citizens and residents, but please consult your tax advisor first, especially for donations of stock or securities or required minimum distributions.
Through PayPal, using the icon at the top right of this page.
Directly, with a check or money order made out to The OEIS Foundation Inc., and sent to:
Robert Roy Price,
Treasurer, The OEIS Foundation Inc.,
2340 Saunders Station Road,
Monroeville, PA 15146 USA -
By a wire transfer to the OEIS Foundation bank account. For information on how to do this, please contact Robert Roy Price (
By donating appreciated stock or securities. Rather than selling the stock or securities, make donations directly to the OEIS Foundation, thus avoiding capital gains tax and still getting an income tax deduction for the full fair market value of the donated items.
If your Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) are pushing you into a higher tax bracket, you may be able to avoid the problem (if you are over 73) by donating the RMD directly to the OEIS Foundation. Then it doesn’t count as income, and the full amount (subject to certain limitations) counts as a charitable contribution. This kind of RMD is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution, or QCD. For information on how to do this, please contact Robert Roy Price (
Keep in mind that many corporations have a fund-matching program - they will match your charitable contributions. This is an excellent way to double your donation to the OEIS Foundation!
The OEIS Foundation’s tax identification number or EIN is 30-0562250.
All donations will be gratefully acknowledged on this page.
To make a donation in honor of someone, or to celebrate an event, etc., first make the donation, and then send an email to with the amount and how you would like it to be listed (for example, “John Smith [your name] (in honor of …..)”). It may take a couple days for the entry to be listed.
2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
Donors in 2024
Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2024 (Gifts of $25,000 and above):
- Lorette and William Cheswick
- Susanna Cuyler
- Neil J. A. Sloane
Benefactors in 2024 (Gifts of $5,000 and above):
- Russ Cox
Sponsors in 2024 (Gifts of $1,000 and above):
- Anonymous
- Harvey P. Dale
- Alexander Healy
- Tiam Koukpari (in honor of Hossein Movasati, my graduate school advisor)
- Henri Lifchitz
- Seiichi Manyama
- Greg Maxwell
- Robert A. Russell
- Jon E Schoenfield
- Christopher Scussel
- Allen Stenger
- Paul and Bonita Stockmeyer
- David R Stoutemyer
- Doron Zeilberger (in fond memory of Richard Bumby (1937-2024))
Patrons in 2024 (Gifts of $100 and above):
- Jean-François Alcover
- Jerry Ambrose
- America Online Giving
- Alon Amit
- Peter Anderson
- Yan Sheng Ang
- Anonymous
- Anonymous, In Memory of Stephen B. Maurer
- David Applegate and Barbara Chubb
- Alford Arnold
- Andrey Asadchev
- Mohammad K. Azarian
- Vasilii Bashilov
- Robert Bastasz
- Spencer Black
- Neil Bostian
- Michael Branicky
- Nathan Brown
- Robert Bywater
- Eduardo Ivanec Carlas
- Ray Chandler
- William Cheswick and Nancy Blachman, from auctioning Paul Erdos’s raincoat at a Gathering for Gardner meeting
- William Clary
- David Cleaver
- Michael Collins
- Donald Craig
- John Cromer
- Raul Cuza
- David Dewan
- Robert Dickau
- Jeremy Dover
- Vasudha Duggirala (honoring the Faculdade de Letra at the University of Coimbra)
- David Edelman
- Michael Ennis
- Daniel Frohardt
- Charles Gaydos
- Keith E. Gorlen
- Giver Gregg
- Rainer Grzybowski
- Paul S. Henry
- Terence Hosken
- Darrell Hotchkiss
- Robin Houston
- Thomas Hull
- Peter Kagey
- Kirill Katsnelson
- David C. Kelly and Allan C. McNeeley
- Clark Kimberling
- Ron Knott
- Scott Kominers
- Jeffrey Lagarias
- Matthew Laird
- Yaping Lu
- Philip Lucido
- Jon Maiga
- Peter Mao
- B D and M D McIlroy
- John Morack
- Kent Morrison
- John Mudge
- Tamas Sandor Nagy
- Oleg Panczenko
- Matt Parker
- Phillip L. Poplin
- Dean Prichard
- Raul Prisacariu
- Boris Putievskiy
- James Rasbold
- Adrian Rodriguez
- Alexander Roper
- Rainer Rosenthal
- Douglas Rowlands
- Thomas Scheuerle
- Thomas Scheuerle (in memory of Eric Angelini)
- Joshua Segall
- Scott Shannon (in memory of Eric Angelini)
- Remy Sigrist
- Sven Simon
- Mike Speciner
- Richard Stanley
- Hal Switkay
- David J Sycamore
- Jesse Thompson
- Ruud H.G. Van Tol
- Vinay Vaishampayan
- Viola-Billey Family Fund
- Markus Voege
- Paul Vosper
- Stan Wagon
- Tynan A. Wait
- Blake White
- Hans Rudolf Widmer
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Mark van Hoeij for meeting a challenge raised and solved here)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Svante Janson and Mihai Nica for solving a problem raised here)
Friends in 2024 (Gifts of less than $100):
- Malachi De AElfweald
- Gadi Aleksandrowicz
- Russ Aleshi
- Roberto Alfano
- Stuart Anderson
- Jose Manuel Montolio Aranda
- Seth Arnold
- Sacha Attinger
- Hunter Bachrodt
- Jason Bard
- Marc Barnholdt
- Carlo Beenakker
- Bernáth Bence
- Donatien Beneat
- Mira Bernstein
- Robert Bilinski
- Ethan Bolker
- Joseph Bork
- David Brown
- Mikhail Butrimov
- Angel Cabrera
- Robert Camenzind
- David Campen
- Janet Carroll
- Michael Chase
- Vir Chaudhury
- Andres Cicuttin
- Stephen Crane
- Michael Cremo
- Kevin Csellak
- Robert Cunningham
- Riccardo Dante
- William Dean
- Anthony Dedominic
- Auciello Web Design
- Thomas Devries
- Su Yu Ding
- Yann Le Du
- Paul Duckett
- David Durgin
- Jerome Eastham
- Michael Ecker
- Dominic Ellis
- Madeline Epstein
- John Erickson
- Benjamin Fagin’s Fund
- Gabriele Fici
- Mike Finn
- Matthew Flaschen
- Dominique Fortin
- Ronald Foster
- Nathan Fox
- Ki Fredeen
- Freeman-Mosher Family Fund
- Andrew Gardner
- Patrick De Geest
- Patrick W. Gilmore
- Bastiaan Van Gils
- Thomas Gittings
- David Glicksberg
- Richard Grafen
- Daniel Grigsby
- Isaac Grosof
- Bill Grundmann
- Thomas Hadley
- Daniel Hamilton
- Mitchell Harris
- Jan Hartkopf
- Lars-Gunnar Hartveit
- Erik Ronneberg Hauge
- Jan Kristian Haugland
- Paul Haynes
- Randell Heyman
- Karl Hoitsma
- Deidre House
- Tom Howell
- Greg Huber
- Frank M Jackson
- Gustavo Diaz Jerez
- Jonah Johnson
- Michael Jones
- Joseph Finney Inc.
- Thomas Kahle
- Adina Karantza
- Walter Kehowski
- John Keith
- David C Kelly and Allan C MeNeeley
- Peter Kildeager
- Jack King
- John King
- Christopher Lamb
- Dmitry Lanin
- Rob Larsen
- Felipe Lessa
- Youhua Li
- Andrew Lindley
- Leonidas Liponis
- Andrew Long
- Antonín Maloň
- Michael Maschio
- Mariano Masiello
- Cameron Mcleman
- Peter Mcnair
- Stephen Meskin
- Gideon Mills
- Paul Miner
- Walter Moczygemba
- Sally Moite
- Alexander Mollberg
- Livia Mosser
- Enrico Munini
- Daniel Munoz
- Riivo Must
- Klaus Muuss
- Arthur Nadas
- Raymond Ng
- Alon Nishry
- Asamoah Nkwanta
- Michael Oakes
- Francesco Padovani
- Sebastien Palcoux
- Federico Provvedi
- Sanjaye Ramgoolam
- Christopher Reade
- Glen Ritchie
- Alain Rocchelli
- Rocrof
- Radon Rosborough
- Garth Rose
- Luc Rousseau
- Smartec S.A.R.L.
- Pamela Satterthwaite
- Thomas Scheuerle
- Ben Schiery
- Julius Schmerling
- Kevin Schwartz
- Brian M Scott
- Paolo Serafini
- Anthony Shannon
- Lou Shapiro
- John Shareshian
- Alysha Sidhu
- Joseph Skudlarek
- Roy Spaan
- Stefano Spezia
- John Spitzer
- Gunter Stohr
- Jean-Philippe Sugarbroad
- Joshua Swanson
- Jonathan Sweet
- Fletcher Thompson
- Jesse Thompson
- Prescott Thompson
- Evan Turner
- Elizabeth Uptegrove
- Chris Veenboer
- Donato Viggiano
- Tim Walters
- Mike Weiner
- Zackary Welch
- Stephen Wolfe
- Martin Worm-Leonhard
- Pieter Wuille
- Paolo Xausa
- Michel Yamagishi
- Bartosz Zacios
- Jochen Ziegenbalg
- Arne Zillmer
- ניר פלד
Other gifts in 2024:
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is extremely grateful to all the editors, all unpaid, who spend so many hours processing submissions and improving OEIS entries. They keep the OEIS up-to-date and accurate.
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2024.
Donors in 2023
Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2023 (Gifts of $25,000 and above):
Benefactors in 2023 (Gifts of $5,000 and above):
- Russ Cox
- Susanna S. Cuyler
- Neil J. A. Sloane
Sponsors in 2023 (Gifts of $1,000 and above):
- Harvey P. Dale
- Tom Duff
- Alexander Healy
- Fred Kline
- Jill C Knuth
- Robert A. Russell
- Christopher Scussel
- Alan Stenger
- Paul and Bonita Stockmeyer
- Doron Zeilberger (in memory of Marko Petkovsek (1955-2023))
Patrons in 2023 (Gifts of $100 and above):
- Bysoft Data Ab
- Hanumantha Addanki
- Jean-François Alcover
- Anonymous
- Anonymous (in memory of Stephen B. Maurer)
- Anonymous (via Paypal Giving Fund)
- David Applegate and Barbara Chubb
- Mohammad K. Azarian
- Sara Billey
- Jerzy Borysowicz
- Michael Branicky
- Clifford Cary
- Umberto Cerruti
- Ray Chandler
- Vyjayanthi Chari
- Victor Cianni
- Paul Conradi
- Donald Craig
- David Crookes
- Paul Curtz
- Robert Dickau
- Robert Dougherty-Bliss
- Jeremy Dover
- Paul Duckett
- David Edelman
- Rémi Eismann
- Diana Eppstein
- Georg Fischer
- Daniel E. Frohardt
- Charles Gaydos
- Patrick De Geest
- Renat Gimadeev
- Keith E Gorlen
- Giver Gregg
- Rainer Grzybowski
- Paul S. Henry
- AJ Hildebrand
- Thomas Hull
- Llewellyn Jeffery
- The John M. Shapiro Trust
- Clark Kimberling
- Tiam Koukpari (in honor of Rob Corless - the answer is 42!)
- Jerry Lagrou
- Yaping Lu
- Philip Lucido
- Robert Lyons
- Seiichi Manyama
- Peter Mao
- Roland Miyamoto
- Kent Morrison
- Tamas Sandor Nagy
- Paulo González Ogando
- Valentin Ovsienko
- Raul Prisacariu
- James Rasbold
- John Rascoe
- James Rayman
- Adrian Rodriguez
- Jon E Schoenfield
- Scott Shannon
- Remy Sigrist
- Ólafur Siemsen Sigurðarson
- Sven Simon
- Todd Simpson
- Richard Stanley
- James Tattersall
- Ruud H.G. Van Tol
- Vinay Vaishampayan
- Neil Webber
- Hans Rudolf Widmer
- Benjamin Willett
- Celia Zeilberger (in honor of her father)
- Doron Zeilberger
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Jesus Guillera’s 68th birthday)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Manuel Kauers for meeting a challenge)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Manuel Kauers for meeting a challenge)
Friends in 2023 (Gifts of less than $100):
- Malachi De AElfweald
- Forrest Adams
- Pierfrancesco Aiello
- Trevor Andersen
- Peter Anderson
- Eric Angelini
- Valerio De Angelis
- Gabriel Brito Apolinario
- Ekaterina Artemova
- M Attaf
- Marc Auslander
- Valentin Bakoev
- Jason Bard
- Robert Bilinski
- The Blackbaud Giving Fund
- Neil Bostian
- Jeff Bowermaster
- David Brown
- Robert Burns
- Eduardo Ivanec Carlas
- Oleg Chernyakhovskiy
- Andres Cicuttin
- Stanley Cohen
- Fabrizio Conca
- Justin Meiners Consulting
- Vasudha Duggirala
- David Durgin
- John Erickson
- Dana Ernst
- Fernando Davalos Escalante
- Norman Fickel
- Alexander Fischer
- Marc Fleisher
- Johan Folkesson
- Nathan Fox
- The Freeman-Mosher Family Fund
- Leopold De Gaillande
- The Give Lively Foundation
- Nelson Goldsworth
- Richard Gutleber
- Mitchell Harris
- Jan Hartkopf
- Brian Hefele
- Tom Howell
- Jinqiao Hu
- Frank M Jackson
- Gunnar L Johnson
- Tom Kacvinsky
- Tamas Kalmarnagy
- S Kanamarlapudi
- Maxim Karimov
- Walter Kehowski
- John Keith
- William Keith
- Rhema Compassion Kenya
- Tanya Khovanova
- Ron Kneusel
- Ron Knott
- Michael Kokosenski
- Scott Kominers
- Anthony Labarre
- Christopher Emery Lane
- Ignacio Larrosa
- Arthur Leach
- Zou Ln
- Cococcia Lorenzo
- Grayson Mackenzie
- Christian Majenz
- Antonín Maloň
- Alison Manaker
- Bruce Marshall
- Robert Matthews
- B D and M D McIlroy
- Gary Mcdonald
- Peter Mcnair
- John Miller
- Nicholas Mitchell
- Sally Moite
- Ian Mooney
- David Pasino
- Annick Pillard
- James Prichard
- Raul Prisacariu
- Federico Provvedi
- Alessandra Cabrini Pruneri
- Infiniteunity Publishing
- Christopher Reade
- Rocrof
- Louis Rogliano
- Natalia Rojkovskaia
- Ambrosio D Valencia Romero
- Luc Rousseau
- Isaac Saffold
- Josías Sosa Salinas
- Pamela Satterthwaite
- Ben Schiery
- Julius Schmerling
- Arndt Schnabel
- Stephen Schweizer
- Brian M Scott
- Paolo Sentinelli
- Lou Shapiro
- Kalle Siukola
- Noah Snyder
- Stefano Spezia
- Einar Steingrimsson
- Behnam Tabatabai
- Angela Tanesha
- Michael Tardibuono
- Drake Thomas
- Jesse Thompson
- Prescott Thompson
- Tonci Tomic
- Zoltán Ujszászi
- Mark Underwood
- Jan Joris Vereijken
- Charles Volkstorf
- Stanley Wagon
- Mike Weiner
- Zackary Welch
- Blake White
- Audrey and Derek Wunderlich
- Paolo Xausa
- Hubert Yamada
- Joshua Zelinsky
- Jochen Ziegenbalg
- Arne Zillmer
- Julia Zimmerman
Other gifts in 2023:
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is extremely grateful to all the editors, all unpaid, who spend so many hours processing submissions and improving OEIS entries. They keep the OEIS up-to-date and accurate.
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2023.
Donors in 2022
Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2022 (Gifts of $25,000 and above):
- The Simons Foundation
Benefactors in 2022 (Gifts of $5,000 and above):
- Russ Cox
Sponsors in 2022 (Gifts of $1,000 and above):
- John Bruce
- Susanna Stevens Cuyler
- Harvey P. Dale
- Alexander Healy
- Fred Kline
- Jill C. Knuth
- Henri Lifchitz
- Robert A. Russell
- Neil J. A. Sloane
- Allen Stenger
- Paul and Bonita Stockmeyer
- David R Stoutemyer
Patrons in 2022 (Gifts of $100 and above):
- Bysoft Data Ab
- Jean-François Alcover
- Eric Angelini
- Anonymous
- David Applegate
- Mohammad K. Azarian
- James Bergen
- Jerzy Borysowicz
- Michael Branicky
- Robert Bywater
- George M Caplan (in Memory of Stephen B. Maurer)
- Ray Chandler
- Claudio Corbetta
- Donald Craig
- John Cromer
- Robert Dickau
- Jeremy Dover
- Paul Duckett
- Patrick Ekman
- Diana Eppstein
- Georg Fischer
- Daniel E. Frohardt-Lane
- Charles Gaydos
- Olivier Gerard
- Give Lively Foundation Inc.
- Keith Gorlen
- Rainer Grzybowski
- Rachel Gupta
- Mary B. Henry
- Darrell Hotchkiss
- Thomas Hull
- Sean Irvine
- Peter Kagey
- Kirill Katsnelson
- Clark Kimberling
- Ron Knott
- Leonid Kovalev
- David Lovler
- Peter Lu
- Philip Lucido
- George Madden
- Seiichi Manyama
- Peter Mao
- John Mason
- John May
- Kent Morrison
- Tamas Sandor Nagy
- James Rasbold
- Andrey Rukhin
- Jon Schoenfield
- Gunther Schrack
- Christopher Scussel
- Finn Selle
- Scott Shannon
- Lou Shapiro
- Rémy Sigrist
- Sven Simon
- Robert Simpson
- David J Sycamore
- James Tattersall
- Ruud H.G. Van Tol
- Elizabeth Uptegrove
- Vinay Vaishampayan
- Neil Webber
- Allan Wechsler
- Hans Rudolf Widmer
- Robert Wilson
- Yuxuan Yang (in memory of Jerrold Tunnell (1950-2022))
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Manuel Kauers who met a challenge raised here)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Rintaro Matsuo, Manuel Kauers, and Christoph Koutschan), for meeting a challenge raised here
Friends in 2022 (Gifts of less than $100):
- Malachi De AElfweald
- Vivek Advani
- Musab Akbas
- Feryal Alayont
- Egor Alimpiev
- Pontus Amberg
- Matthew Anderson
- Peter Anderson
- Jason Bard
- Daniel Barker
- Christian Baumann
- Carlo Beenakker
- Bernáth Bence
- The Blackbaud Giving Fund
- Philippe Bondon
- Jeff Bowermaster
- Barry Brent
- Axel Brisse
- Nathaniel Chaverin
- Andres Cicuttin
- Michael Collins
- Luc Comeau-Montasse
- Evan Delgaudio
- Stephen Dempsey
- Alex Denofre
- Ziv Dor
- David Edelman
- John Erickson
- Itai Ferber
- Luis Ferroni
- Julian Fox
- Nathan Fox
- The Freeman-Mosher Family Fund
- Pacôme Fromager
- Tad Gallion
- Christopher Galus
- Patrick De Geest
- Nelson Goldsworth
- John Goodman
- Ronald Gove
- Stefan Gruenwald
- Thomas Gugielmo (in honor of Charlie Marion)
- Andrew Gutekanst
- Samuel Harkness
- Mitchell Harris
- James Heath
- Sebastian Hehn
- Richard Hensh
- Wolfgang Hintze
- Phillip Hutto
- Dmitry Ignatov and Svyatoslav Elizarov
- Frank M Jackson
- Jérôme Jean-Charles
- Jonah Johnson
- Walter Kehowski
- John Keith
- Al Al Kelley
- Rhema Compassion Kenya
- Sigurd Kittilsen
- Scott Kominers
- Tiam Koukpari (in honor of Laura Jamieson, who introduced me to math)
- Brenda Kouyoumdjian
- Martin Kreuzer
- Brian Lacki
- Wolfdieter Lang
- Charles D Leach
- Michael Lopez
- Wild Egg Pty Ltd
- Mario Luoni
- Nollaig Mackenzie
- Antonín Maloň
- Cristian Marcovici
- Michael May
- Peter Mcnair
- Allan C MeNeely
- Donald Mintz
- Lloyd Mitchell
- Sally Moite
- John W Morse
- Frank Mullin
- Philippe Nadeau
- Evgeny Naumov
- Tim Neumann
- Owen O’Shea
- Stuart Orford
- Felix Pahl
- James Parks
- Loren Pearson
- Timothy Pederick
- Andres Ventas Perez
- Burkard Polster
- Robert Potter
- Raul Prisacariu
- Federico Provvedi
- Enrique Pérez
- Timothy Quinn
- Christopher Reade
- Woomerang Research
- Alain Rocchelli
- Rocrof
- John Rogers
- Louis Rogliano
- Ambrosio D Valencia Romero
- Rainer Rosenthal
- Luc Rousseau
- Isaac Saffold
- Pamela Satterthwaite
- Ben Schiery
- Peter Schonefeld
- Brian M Scott
- Carl Sieke
- George Soliman
- Florian Starke
- Michael Stocker
- Alun Stokes
- Jerome Storti
- Ioannis Tasoulas
- Martin Terry
- Ian Tullis
- Derek Upham
- Stanley Wagon
- Xing Wang
- Jennifer Ward
- Aaron Warwick
- Mike Weiner
- Zackary Welch
- Paul Wendelboe
- Arkadiusz Wesołowski
- Blake White
- Stephen Witham
- Paolo Xausa
- Dmitry Yamplsky
- Shenghui Yang
- Jochen Ziegenbalg
- Arne Zillmer
Other gifts in 2022:
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is extremely grateful to all the editors, all unpaid, who spend so many hours processing submissions and improving OEIS entries. They keep the OEIS up-to-date and accurate.
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2022.
Donors in 2021
Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2021 (Gifts of $25,000 and above):
- Anonymous
- The Simons Foundation
Benefactors in 2021 (Gifts of $5,000 and above):
- Bill Cheswick
- Russ Cox
Sponsors in 2021 (Gifts of $1,000 and above):
- Susanna Stevens Cuyler
- Harvey P. Dale
- Fred Kline
- Jill Knuth
- Seiichi Manyama
- Robert A Russell
- N. J. A. Sloane
- Allen Stenger
- Paul & Bonita Stockmeyer
Patrons in 2021 (Gifts of $100 and above):
- Jean-François Alcover
- Amazon Smiles
- David Applegate and Barbara Chubb
- Alford Arnold
- Benevity Fund
- George Beck
- Jon Bentley
- Jerzy R Borysowicz
- Michael Branicky
- Kadin Browne
- Benjamin Chaffin
- Ray Chandler
- Benoit Cloitre
- Claudio Corbetta
- Donald Craig
- Gary Croft
- Emeric Deutsch
- Sean Dippold (in memory of Natalie R. DelBusso)
- Jeremy Dover
- Paul Duckett
- Charles Gaydos
- Keith E Gorlen
- Carl Ellis
- Georg Fischer
- Rainer Grzybowski
- Ron Knott
- Marc LeBrun
- David Lovler
- Philip Lucido
- Petros Hadjicostas
- Roger Haskell
- Paul Henry
- Peter Kagey
- Kirill Katsnelson
- Clark Kimberling
- Layman Fund, Fidelity Charitable
- Giver Gregg, Fidelity Charitable
- Peter Lu
- Peter Mao
- John Morack
- Valentin Ovsienko
- Art Owen
- Periodic Videos Ltd
- Richard Peterson
- Kade Phillips
- James Rasbold
- Jon E. Schoenfield
- Matthew Schuster
- Schwab Charitable Fund
- Scott Shannon
- The John M. Shapiro Charitable Trust
- Remy Sigrist
- Sven Simon
- Richard Stanley
- Linda Thomas
- Owain Thomas
- Elizabeth Uptegrove
- Blake White
- Hans Rudolf Widmer
- Gregory Whittaker
- Vinay Vaishampayan
- Jesus Maria Yurramendi Mendizabal
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Frank Calegari)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Michael Wallner for answering a question raised here
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Yuxuan Yang for meeting the many challenges raised here)
Friends in 2021 (Gifts of less than $100):
- Amazon Smiles
- American Family Insurance
- Anonymous
- Peter Anderson
- Alford Arnold
- Mohammad Azarian
- F Douglas Baker
- Jason Bard
- Benevity Fund
- Donatien Bénéat
- Andreas Besginow
- Yuri Bilu
- Richard Boland
- Barry Brent
- Hugh Bright
- Tricia Brown
- Bysoft Data AB
- Andres Cicuttin
- Bruce Colletti
- Giovanni Corbelli
- Stephen Crane
- Mircea Dan Rus
- Malachi de AElfweald
- Patrick De Geest
- Michiel de Jonge
- Anthony DeDominic
- Paul Devenish
- Karl Dilcher
- Vasudha Duggirala
- David Durgin
- John Erickson
- Nathan Fox
- William Frank
- Thibault Gauthier
- Reza Ghazi
- Eduardo A Godoy
- Paulo González Ogando
- José María Grau Ribas
- Bruce Grembowski
- Thomas Guglielmo
- Mitchell Harris
- Richard Hensh
- Dan Herber
- Eric Hoffman
- Alan Holding
- Paul Horridge
- Phillip Hutto
- Dmitry I. Ignatov
- Frank M Jackson
- Gunnar Johnson
- Walter Kehowski
- John Keith
- Al Kelley
- David Kelly and Allan Meneely
- Tanya Khovanova
- Scott Kominers
- Ekaterina Kuzminykh
- Christopher Lamb
- Wolfdieter Lang
- H Leenman
- Terry Lindgren
- Chris Lombardi
- Fiona Löwe
- Anne MacHale
- John Martin
- Matthew Milcic
- James Miller
- John Miller
- Weston Miller
- Lloyd Mitchell
- Sally Moite
- Alexander Mollberg
- Nicole Moorman
- Herbert Müller
- Klaus Muuss
- Network for Good
- PayPal Giving Fund
- Noam Parzenchevski
- Loren Pearson
- Andres Ventas Perez
- ML Perry
- Sage Price
- Federico Provvedi
- Raul Prisacariu
- Charles Plessy
- Lyle Ramshaw
- Vijay Rane
- Christopher Reade
- Rocrof
- Michael Ross
- Luc Rousseau
- Patrick Ryan
- Pamela Satterthwaite
- Thomas Scheuerle
- Carl Sieke
- Jim Snyder-Grant
- Lawrence Somer
- Thomas Steger
- Alun Stokes
- David J. Sycamore
- Roberto Torella
- Drake Thomas
- Ruud H.G. van Tol
- Stanley Wagon
- Tynan A Wait
- Michael Weiner
- Arkadiusz Wesołowski
- David Williams
- Lauren Williams
- Jonathan Williams
- Robert Withee
- Jill Wurman
- Paolo Xausa
- Hadas Zeilberger
- Joshua Zelinsky
- Jochen Ziegenbalg
- Arne Zillmer
Other gifts in 2021:
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is extremely grateful to all the editors, all unpaid, who spend so many hours processing submissions and improving OEIS entries. They keep the OEIS up-to-date and accurate.
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2021.
Donors in 2020
Donations received in our 2019 fund-raising drive during the first ten days of January 2020 were included in our 2019 Donors list.
Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2020 (Gifts of $25000 and above):
- The Simons Foundation
Sponsors in 2020 (Gifts of $1000 and above):
- Russ Cox
- Susanna Stevens Cuyler
- Harvey Dale
- Tom Duff
- Google Inc.
- Hawaii Community Foundation
- Fred Kline
- Donald and Jill Knuth
- N. J. A. Sloane
- Allen Stenger
- Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer via the Heartland Charitable Trust
Patrons in 2020 (Gifts of $100 and above):
- Roland Acra
- Jean-François Alcover
- David Applegate and Barbara Chubb
- David Baugh
- George Beck
- Benevity Fund
- Jerzy Borysowicz
- Michael Branicky
- Ray Chandler
- Stuart Clary
- Claudio Corbetta
- Donald Craig
- David Crookes
- Robert Dickau
- Carl Ellis
- Georg Dr Fischer
- Daniel Frohardt
- Olivier GERARD
- Juan Gil
- Ely Golden
- Gregg-Springer Work via Fidelity Charitable
- Ian Griswold
- Petros Hadjicostas
- Paul Henry
- Thomas Hull
- S Irvine
- Aleksandar Janjic
- Peter Kagey
- Tamas Kalmarnagy
- Mikhail Khovanov
- Clark Kimberling
- Diane and John Konvalina (thanking Doron Zeilberger)
- Alex Kulakov
- Marc LeBrun
- Henri Lifchitz
- David Lovler
- Peter Lu
- Philip Lucido
- Robert Macartney
- Seiichi Manyama
- Lars Nordgren
- Kostas Oikonomou
- Hilarie Orman
- Valentin Ovsienko
- Richard Peterson
- James Rasbold
- Bernard Schott
- Gunther Schrack
- Matthew Schuster
- Christopher Scussel
- Scott Shannon
- Rémy Sigrist
- Sven Simon
- Louis Shapiro
- Daniel Stahlke
- Richard Stanley
- Sinan Taifour
- Technical University of Kosice
- TehGelly
- Dirck Uptegrove
- Vinay Vaishampayan
- Daniel Vandermast
- Allan Wechsler
- Blake White
- Gregory Whittaker
- Stephen Wilkus
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Carsten Schneider who met a challenge made here)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Chaim Even-Zohar who met a challenge made here.
- Jason Zimba
Friends in 2020 (Gifts of less than $100):
- Pierfrancesco Aiello
- Gadi Aleksandrowicz
- Amazon Smiles
- Peter Anderson
- Gabriel Apolinario
- Jade Apomayta Bai
- Mohammad Azarian
- Jason Bard
- Marilena Barnabei
- Richard Barnes
- Paul Barry
- Jeffrey Bauer
- Bo Bayles
- Ball Corporation
- Alvin Belt
- Marko Berezovsky
- Bence Bernáth
- Francois Bienvenu
- James Bloom
- Edward Boden
- Pedro Caceres
- Jianguo Chen
- Barry Cherkas
- Andres Cicuttin
- Christopher Connett
- John D’Angelo
- Malachi de AElfweald
- Raphael Deknop
- Marc Donis
- Ognjen Dragoljevic
- Jacob Dreiling
- Carole Dubois
- Michel Duteil
- John Erickson
- Frans Faase
- Michael Fernandez
- Mauro Fiorentini
- Nathan Fox
- Niamh Girling
- Darren Golbourn
- Richard Grafen
- Ricado Grant
- Tucker Green
- Alexander Gross von Trockau
- Finn Günther
- Alan Gutzeit
- Peter-Philipp Hanns
- Mitchell Harris
- Brian Hayes
- Peer Henselmans
- Enrique Pérez Herrero
- Deidre Denise House
- Tom Howell
- Eric Icaza
- Ekhine Irurozki
- Frank M Jackson
- Dmitri Kamenetsky
- Viktar Kapelka
- Maxim Karimov
- Walter Kehowski
- John Keith
- Karl Keller
- David Knapp
- Roger M Kolaks
- Scott Kominers
- Leonid Kovalev
- Reinhard Kronberger
- Wolfdieter Lang
- Ignacio Larrosa
- Roger LeMesurier
- Pavel Leonov
- Vincenzo Librandi
- Terry Lindgren
- Anne MacHale
- Metron Inc.
- David Metzler
- Weston Miller
- Jack Millist
- Lloyd Mitchell
- Sally Moite
- Bernard Montaron
- Kent Morrison
- Stefano Mortola
- Jason Nicholson
- Owen O’Shea
- David Pasino
- Thomas Poulos
- Raul Prisacariu
- Sergey Prokudin
- Yukhym Pyshnohraiev
- Christopher Reade
- Alexander Riasanovsky
- Adrian Riekert
- Richard Ripert
- Rocrof
- Louis Rogliano
- Rainer Rosenthal
- Marc Rosner
- Luc Rousseau
- Alexander SamokrutovС
- Pamela Satterthwaite
- Thomas Scheuerle
- Ian Schiffman
- Brad Scholl
- Brian M Scott
- Mark Shekleton
- Jonathan Skinner
- John Snyder
- Stefano Spezia
- Pontus Sundqvist
- Daniel Suteu
- David J Sycamore
- Plamen Tanovski
- Liam Tarr
- Tobias Thierer
- Nico Tripeny
- uClassify
- Mark Underwood
- Tynan Wait
- Yisong Wang
- John Weathers
- Michael Weiner
- Nicolau Leal Werneck
- Jochen Ziegenbalg
Other gifts in 2020:
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is extremely grateful to all the editors, all unpaid, who spend so many hours processing submissions and improving OEIS entries. They keep the OEIS up-to-date and accurate.
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2020.
Donors in 2019 (including some from early January 2020)
Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2019 (Gifts of $25000 and above):
- The Simons Foundation
Sponsors in 2019 (Gifts of $1000 and above):
- Anonymous
- Benevity Fund (includes several separate donations)
- Russ Cox
- Susanna Stevens Cuyler
- Harvey P. Dale
- Tom Duff
- Fred Kline
- Donald and Jill Knuth
- N. J. A. Sloane
- Allen Stenger
- Diana Wyant
Patrons in 2019 (Gifts of $100 and above):
- Roland Acra
- Ian Agol and Michelle McGuinness
- Jean-François Alcover
- Lorenzo Sauras Altuzarra
- Anonymous
- David Applegate and Barbara Chubb Family Fund
- Gary Au
- Peter Bala
- Vasily Bashilov
- George Beck
- Benevity Fund
- Sara Billey
- Gerold Brändli
- David Callan
- Ray Chandler
- Johann Cigler
- William Clary
- Matthew Conroy
- Claudio Corbetta
- Donald Craig
- Geoffrey Critzer
- Robert Dickau
- Susan Dickey
- Patrick Ekman
- Georg Fischer
- Daniel Frohardt
- Olivier GERARD
- Juri-Stepan Gerasimov
- Google Matching Fund
- Keith E. Gorlen
- Ron Graham
- Gregg-Springer Work via Fidelity Charitable
- Petros Hadjicostas
- Brian Hayes
- Paul Henry
- David Hruska
- Thomas Hull
- Daniel Kabat
- Peter Kagey
- Clark Kimberling
- Charles Kusniec
- Marc LeBrun
- Philip Lucido
- Seiichi Manyama
- Peter Mao
- James McCarron
- Danilo Merelli
- Joseph Moser
- William Muller
- Francois Oger
- Laurent Orseau
- Valentin Ovsienko
- James Rasbold
- Jon E. Schoenfield
- Bernard Schott
- Christopher Scussel
- Scott Shannon
- The John M. Shapiro Charitable Trust
- Louis Shapiro
- Rémy Sigrist
- Sven Simon
- John Snyder
- Colin Paul Spears
- Katherine Stange
- Richard P. Stanley / Stanley Family Fund / Fidelity Charitable
- Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer
- Symantec Corp. Matching Fund
- Robert Underwood
- Elizabeth Uptegrove
- Vinay Vaishampayan
- Willy Van den Driessche
- Tynan Wait
- Blake White
- Jesus Maria Yurramendi Mendizabal
- Celia Zeilberger (in honor of her father’s 69th birthday)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Marcus Michelen who solved a problem posed here)
Friends in 2019 (Gifts of less than $100):
- Amazon Smiles (multiple donations)
- Matthew Anderson
- Samuel Anderson
- Éric Angelini
- Anonymous
- Alford Arnold
- Andrew Austin
- Arvind Ayyer in honour of Doron Zeilberger’s 70th birthday
- Mohammad K. Azarian
- Marilena Barnabei
- Paul Barry
- Donatien Bénéat
- Benevity Fund (several separate donations)
- Emery Berger
- Bence Bernáth
- Swapnil Bhatia
- Jerzy Borysowicz
- William Bredbenner
- Sebastien Brisset
- Moren Brøns-Pedersen
- Pedro Caceres
- Andrew James Carr
- Alexandre Solé Carretero
- Alexis Chazard
- Bhadrachalam Chitturi
- Andres Cicuttin
- Lieven Clarisse
- Michael Collins
- Aldo Conca
- Ricardo Conceicao
- John Corbett
- Gary Croft
- Ingrid Daubechies
- Malachi de AElfweald
- Salvatore Di Guida
- Matthew Downey
- Greg Dresden
- Richard Drexel
- Abhinandan Dubey
- Stephen Dunn
- Silvain Dupertuis
- Nelano East
- Cole Ellis
- John Erickson
- Richard Farnhammer
- Mauro Fiorentini
- Peter Franklin
- Freeman-Mosher Family Fund
- Cezar Freitas
- Darren Golbourn
- Ricado Grant
- Dorian Greer
- Matthew Grimm
- Alan Gutzeit
- Hako
- Mark Hardman
- Mitchell Harris
- Robert Harris
- Kern Hast
- Kenneth Hawes
- John Hawkins
- Victor Hedwig
- Richard Hensh
- Paul Hewitt
- Frank Heyder
- Daniel Hoyt
- Nick Hunter-Jones
- Ioannis Iglezakis
- Cornel Izbasa
- Frank M. Jackson
- William Jackson
- Sudhir Jha
- Timothy Johnson
- D. B. Johnson-Davies
- V. P. Johnson
- Dmitri Kamenetsky
- Walter Kehowski
- Nitadori Keigo
- John Keith
- Al Kelley
- Sean Kenny
- Johann Klähn
- Warren W. Kokko
- Scott Kominers
- Marcin Konowalczyk
- Leonid Kovalev
- Jacek Kowalski
- Awani Kumar
- Michael Kuyumcu
- Wolfdieter Lang
- H. Leenman
- Ken Levasseur
- Terry Lindgren
- Hauke Löffler
- Robert Lyons
- Richard Mabry
- Joseph Maddocks
- Mehrad Mahmoudian
- Ivan Malopinsky
- Owen Mann
- Geoffrey Marnell
- L. Marshall McCloskey
- M. D. McIlroy
- Patrick McNab
- Euan McQuade
- Merzon Gregory
- Lloyd Mitchell
- Koji Miyazato
- Jamie Morken
- Richard Morris
- Kent Morrison
- William Muller
- Manfred Müller-Späth
- Nicely Done LLC
- Jeppe Stig Nielsen
- “None”
- Stephen Oberholtzer
- Kyle Ormsby
- Allyson Orourke-barrett
- Friedrich Pagenkopf
- Kaupo Palo
- John Peponis
- Xu Ping Ya
- Raul Prisacariu
- Chamu Rajasekera
- Christopher Reade
- Wendy Reed
- Laurence Reeves
- Joseph Rickard
- Sean Riedel
- Manda Riehl
- Rocrof
- Rainer Rosenthal
- Martin Round
- Andrey Rukhin
- Siddhant Saraf
- Metin Sariyar
- Lydia Schiff
- Julius Schmerling
- Gunther Schrack
- Andrew Schulman
- Brian M. Scott
- Paolo Sentinelli
- Dmitry Shemetov
- Geoffrey Shoesmith
- Nicholas Singer
- Kyle Smith
- Saul Spatz
- Samuel Spiro
- Christopher Stainsby
- John Stebbins
- James Stein
- Ralf Steiner
- Einar Steingrimsson
- John Stevens
- Andreas Stiller
- Fabian Stroh
- Daniel Suteu
- Hal Switkay
- David James Sycamore
- Plamen Tanovski
- Albert ten Oever
- uClassify
- Aleksei Udovenko
- Michael Ulm
- Mathijs van Meerkerk
- Stan Wagon
- Brandon Walker
- Blake White
- Wild Egg Pty Ltd
- Maxime Wybouw
- XU Pingya
- Magdalena Zarych
- Noam Zeilberger
Other gifts in 2019:
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is extremely grateful to all the editors, all unpaid, who spend so many hours processing submissions and improving OEIS entries. They keep the OEIS up-to-date and accurate.
Peter Luschny kindly produced the new banner that appears on every OEIS page.
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2019.
Donors in 2018
Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2018 (Gifts of $25000 and above):
- The Simons Foundation
Benefactors in 2018 (Gifts of $5000 and above):
- N. J. A. Sloane
Sponsors in 2018 (Gifts of $1000 and above):
- Russ Cox
- Susanna Stevens Cuyler
- Harvey P. Dale
- Tom Duff
- Google Matching Fund
- Fred Kline
- Donald and Jill Knuth
- Allen Stenger
- Seth A. Troisi
Patrons in 2018 (Gifts of $100 and above):
- Jean-François Alcover
- Anonymous (2 donations)
- David Applegate
- Peter Bala
- George Beck
- Sarah Billey
- Sean Bloomfield
- Umberto Cerruti
- Benjamin Chaffin
- Ray Chandler
- Claudio Corbetta
- Donald Craig
- Emeric Deutsch (2)
- Robert Dickau
- Karl Dilcher
- Roger Entringer
- Georg Fischer
- Olivier GERARD
- Juri-Stepan Gerasimov
- Mats Granvik
- Petros Hadjicostas
- Brian Hayes
- Paul Henry
- David Hruska
- Thomas Hull
- Intel Matching Fund
- Karl Javorszky
- L. Edson Jeffery
- David Jeschke
- Peter Kagey
- Kirill Katsnelson
- Clark Kimberling
- Philip Lucido
- Keith F. Lynch
- Seiichi Manyama
- Peter Mao
- Charles F. Marion
- Jerry Metzger
- Microsoft / Benevity Community Impact Fund
- Cleve Moler
- Joseph Moser
- Enrique Navarrete
- Gordan Palameta
- Robert Price
- Klaus PURATH
- Paul Raff
- James Rasbold
- Matthew Roughan
- Jon E Schoenfield
- Christopher Scussel
- Shoichiro Sekiguchi
- The John M. Shapiro Charitable Trust
- Louis Shapiro
- Sven Simon
- Todd Simpson
- Paul Stahura
- Richard P. Stanley / Stanley Family Fund / Fidelity Charitable
- Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer
- Symantec Corp.
- Mauro Torelli (in memory of Ottavio M. D’Antona)
- Elizabeth Uptegrove
- Jutta Wait
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Paul Johnson for answering a question raised here)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Matthew C. Russell)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Christopher Ryba for answering a question posed here)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Will Sawin for answering a question
- posed here)
Friends in 2018 (Gifts of less than $100):
- Aditya Akula
- Amazon Smiles (2 contributions)
- Peter Anderson
- Alexei Angelides
- Anonymous
- Thomas Anton
- Mohammad K. Azarian
- Marilena Barnabei
- Brian Beach
- Carlo Beenakker
- David Bell
- Benevity Fund (5 separate donations)
- James Bergen
- Ethan Bolker
- Jerzy Borysowicz
- Robert Bryan
- Pedro Caceres
- Xiangyu Cao
- David Cerna
- Matthew Charnley
- Andres Cicuttin
- William Collier
- Jordan Combs
- David Crookes
- Árni Dagur
- Matthew Day
- Malachi de AElfweald
- Joseph Deutsch
- Martin Dimov
- Stephen Dunn
- Michel DUTEIL
- John Erickson
- Jonathan Evanson
- Pierandrea Formusa
- Nathan Fox
- Freeman-Mosher Family Fund
- Reza Ghazi
- Juan Gil
- Darren Golbourn
- Richard Grafen
- Charles Greathouse
- Merzon Grigory
- Andreas Grube
- Rainer Grzybowski
- Jacob Harder
- Konrad Harley
- Mitchell Harris
- Steven Harvey
- Peer Henselmans
- Enrique Pérez Herrero
- Greg Huber
- Sergey Ivanov
- Frank M Jackson
- Tom Jackson
- Leandro Junes
- Thomas Kahle
- Tamas Kalmarnagy
- Grace Kamau
- Amrish Kelkar
- Tanya Khovanova
- Steven Kifowit
- Ronald Kiszlowski
- James Knapp
- Shara Lalo
- Zagros Lalo
- Wolfdieter Lang
- Victor Lecomte
- Samuel Lerma
- Jack Levy
- Terry Lindgren
- Alan Listoe
- Chris Lombardi
- Nick MacKinnon
- Judson McCranie
- Gerald McGarvey
- Microsoft Matching Fund
- Kerry Mitchell
- Kent Morrison
- David Nacin
- Network for Good
- Nicely Done, LLC
- David Pasino
- Andrzej Perlanski
- Richard Peterson
- Arun Philip
- Henry Powell
- Krijn Reijnders
- Rocrof
- Fabian Röling
- Sven Ronnback
- Rainer Rosenthal
- Anna Roth
- Pierre-Alain Sallard
- Hermann Schachner
- Seth Schoen
- Gunther Schrack
- Scott Sherard
- Alexander Sisson
- Koen Smidt
- Guo Song
- Saul Spatz
- Stefano Spezia
- Jonathan Stacey
- Jakub Staron
- Nicholas Stearns
- Ralph Steiner
- Torsten-Karl Strempel
- Joshua Swanson
- David J Sycamore
- Owain Thomas
- 3Blue1Brown
- Nicholas Titterton
- Emidio Torre
- Patrick Traill
- Phat Tran
- Sheldon Trinder
- Tutoring
- uClassify
- Matthew Unterfenger
- RWC van den Brink
- Kiryn van Schalkwyk
- Alexander Vinnikov
- Sami Yrjänheikki
- Lucas Vos
- Russell Walsmith
- Debora Weber-Wulff
- Michael Weiner
- Woomerang Research
Other gifts in 2018:
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is extremely grateful to all the editors, all unpaid, who spend so many hours processing submissions and improving OEIS entries. They keep the OEIS up-to-date and accurate.
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to William Cheswick, Georg Fischer,and others for helping to develop the “OEIS Sequences and Music” exhibit which is to be part of the “La.La.Lab - The Mathematics of Music” exhibition that will open in May 2019 in Heidelberg (Germany).
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2018.
Donors in 2017
Gauss Circle Benefactors in 2017 (Gifts of $25000 and above):
- The Simons Foundation
Benefactors in 2017 (Gifts of $5000 and above):
- Susanna Cuyler and N. J. A. Sloane
Sponsors in 2017 (Gifts of $1000 and above):
- Anonymous
- David Blair
- Russ Cox
- Harvey P. Dale
- Tom Duff
- Google and Apple / Benevity Community Impact Fund
- Fred Kline
- Donald and Jill Knuth
- N. J. A. Sloane
- Allen Stenger
Patrons in 2017 (Gifts of $100 and above):
- Jean-François Alcover
- Anonymous
- Michael Anshelevich
- Peter Bala
- George Beck
- Christine Bessenrodt
- Jerzy Borysowicz
- Johann Cigler
- Stuart Clary
- Benoit Cloitre
- Donald Craig
- Michael De Vlieger
- Emeric Deutsch
- Robert Dickau
- Ephraim Fredrickson
- Juri-Stepan Gerasimov
- Google and Apple / Benevity Community Impact Fund
- Ron Graham
- Mats Granvik
- Matthew Grimm
- Rainer Grzybowski
- Brian Hayes
- Paul Henry
- David Hruska
- Thomas Hull
- P Michael Hutchins
- Karl Javorszky
- L. Edson Jeffery
- Peter Kagey
- Clark Kimberling
- Charles Kusniec
- Jeffrey Lagarias
- Marc LeBrun
- Stephen N Lee
- Peter Luschny
- Charles F. Marion
- James McCarron
- Microsoft / Benevity Community Impact Fund
- Danilo Merelli
- Jerry Metzger
- Todor Mollov
- Enrique Navarrete
- Hilarie Orman and Rich Schroeppel
- James Rasbold
- Matthew Russell
- Jon E. Schoenfield
- Schwab Charitable Fund
- Sven Simon
- Richard P. Stanley / Stanley Family Fund / Fidelity Charitable
- Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer
- Elizabeth Uptegrove
- Vinay Vaishampayan
- Willy Van Den Driessche
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Valentin Féray and Svante Janson for answering a question raised here)
Friends in 2017 (Gifts of less than $100):
- Amazon Smiles (2)
- Alexei Angelides
- Mohammad Azarian
- Google / Benevity Community Impact Fund
- Michael Blaguszewski
- Loren Booda
- Vincenzo Brancaccio
- Stephan Brumme
- Janet Cassidy
- Rok Cestnik
- David Chalcraft
- Bhadrachalam Chitturi
- Andres Cicuttin
- William Collier
- Robert Copeland
- William J. Davenport
- Malachi de AElfweald
- Jose Eduardo Gaboardi de Carvalho
- Bruce Dearden
- Radoslav Dimitrov
- Joseph DiMuro
- John Dobson
- Ognjen Dragoljevic
- Charles Earl
- Patrick Ekman
- Christof Ender
- James L Farrington
- Egan Ford
- Nathan Fox
- Freeman-Mosher Family Fund
- Samuel Freilich
- Tad Gallion
- Juan Gil
- Darren Golbourn
- Ely Golden
- Mitchell Harris
- Roger Henry
- Enrique Pérez Herrero
- Wolfgang Hintze
- Robert Hunt
- Robert C. Hutchins
- Long Huynh Huu
- Sean Irvine
- Frank M Jackson
- Patrick Jennings
- Thomas Kahle
- Dan Kalman
- William Keith
- Tanya Khovanova
- Ron Knott
- Warren W. Kokko
- Wolfdieter Lang
- H Leenman
- Terry Lindgren
- Philip Lucido
- Robert Lyons
- Robert Macartney
- Byron Matus
- Sameer Mehra
- Merzon, Grigory
- Stephen A. Meskin
- Eric Metodiev
- Lloyd Mitchell
- Kent Morrison
- David Nacin
- Jeppe Stig Nielsen
- Geir Qvist Nordhagen
- Mircea Cristian Nuca
- Elena Patyukova
- Andrzej Perlanski
- Daniel Polanco
- Klaus Pommerening
- Robert Purser
- Friedrich Regen
- Samuel Rhoads
- Fabian Roling
- Walter Roscello
- Luc Rousseau
- Andrey Rukhin
- Gunther Schrack
- Brian M Scott
- Christopher Scussel
- Schwab Charitable Fund
- Ulrich Seyfarth
- Ralf Steiner
- David J Sycamore
- Shahryar Tash
- Skip Tavakkolian
- Mark Taylor
- Peter Torelli
- Tutoring
- Vatnik, Mikhail
- Alex Voice
- Jutta Wait
- Nicky Walsh
- Aaron Weiner
- Mike Weiner
- Woomerang Research
- Fung Cheok Yin
- Ysu Programming
- Andrei Zavarnicin
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2017.
Donors in 2016
AT&T supported the OEIS almost from its beginning, by allowing Neil J. A. Sloane to maintain it from 1969 until his reirement from AT&T in 2012 and to host it on his AT&T Labs home page from 1996 through 2010; and also by allowing David Applegate to contribute his services towards maintaining the operation of the OEIS on Neil J. A. Sloane’s web site at AT&T Labs and in its new home from 2010 until David retired from AT&T in 2016.
Renewal of the Trademark “OEIS” was accepted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on May 25, 2016. We are very grateful to Merck & Co., Inc., and in particular Denise Maistickle and Nancy Rowe of the Merck Office of General Counsel, working “Pro Bono”, who renewed the trademark on behalf of the OEIS Foundation. We also thank Nancy Eberhardt and Kate Marchese of the New Jersey Program of the Pro Bono Partnership for helping to bring this about.
In 2016, Russ Cox made a crucial modification to the submissions program, David Applegate set up a defense against the spammers who had been pounding on our site, and David and Russ together handled the migration of the whole OEIS web site to a new platform. These were huge tasks that no one else could have done, and the Foundation is very grateful to them.
The OEIS would not survive without all the editorial work carried out by the volunteer editors. There are many who helped in 2016, especially Jean-François Alcover, Joerg Arndt, Alonso Del Arte, Colin Barker, Bruno Berselli, Harvey P. Dale, Michael De Vlieger, Olivier Gérard, Charles Greathouse, G. C. Greubel, Ilya Gutkovskiy, M. F. Hasler, Hans Havermann, Alois P. Heinz, Wesley Ivan Hurt, Sean A. Irvine, Robert Israel, Antti Kartunen, Vaclav Kotesovec, Wolfdieter Lang, Paolo P. Lava, Peter Luschny, Michel Marcus, Omar Pol, Danny Rorabaugh, Jon E. Schoenfield, Michael Somos, David W. Wilson, Robert G. Wilson v, Chai Wah Wu, plus dozens of others. The OEIS Foundation thanks them all. This editing work is more valuable than any financial contribution.
Sponsors in 2016 (Gifts of $1000 and above):
- Anonymous
- Russell Cox
- Susanna Stevens Cuyler
- Thomas Duff
- Fred Kline (pledged)
- Donald and Jill Knuth
- Shyama Mandal (in honor of the mathematicians from the Indian sub-continent — from Aryabhata, Nilakantha, Ramanujan, to my own math teachers).
- Eric Rowland
- N. J. A. Sloane
- Allen Stenger
Patrons in 2016 (Gifts of $100 and above):
- Jean-François Alcover
- Moa Apagodu
- Peter Bala
- Mira Bernstein
- John Campbell
- Benjamin Chaffin
- Ray Chandler
- Barbara Chubb
- Andres Cicuttin
- Benoit Cloitre
- Silvio Conte
- Claudio Corbetta
- Donald Craig
- Harvey P. Dale
- Michael De Vlieger
- Emeric Deutsch
- Robert Dickau
- Carl Ellis
- Daniel Flegler/Mathematics Leagues Inc
- Juri-Stepan Gerasimov
- Gardenia Giacoman
- The Graham Family
- Xan Gregg
- Christopher Gribble
- Ilya Gutkovskiy
- Paul Henry
- Rui Hu/Mathematics Leagues Inc
- Alexander Hulpke
- Intel Corp. / Benevity Community Impact Fund
- Karl Javorszky
- L. Edson Jeffery
- Peter Kagey
- Walter Kehowski
- Leonid Kovalev
- Joseph Kung
- Charles Kusniec
- Jeffrey Lagarias
- Pradeep Madhavarapu
- Charles F. Marion
- Antonio Roidan Martinez
- James McCarron
- Jerry Metzger
- John Morack
- Joseph Moser
- Charles Munger
- Igor Naverniouk
- Gionata Neri
- Dimitri Papadopoulos
- Jeffrey Remmel
- Jon E. Schoenfield
- Richard Schroeppel
- Richard Schroeppel and Hilarie Orman
- Brian M Scott
- Michael Sierchio
- Sven Simon
- Cliff Sojourner
- Richard P. Stanley / Stanley Family Fund / Fidelity Charitable
- Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer
- Robert Underwood
- Dirck Uptegrove
- Vinay Vaishampayan
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Jay Pantone for proving a conjecture made here)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of his esteemed colleagues who are retiring: Earl Taft, Richard Wheeden, Joseph Rosenstein, Richard Lyons, Gregory Cherlin, and Steve Ferry)
- Jason Zimba
Friends in 2016 (Gifts of less than $100):
- Academy of On
- Elena Ackley
- Amazon Smiles
- Nicolas AMELOT
- Matthew C. Anderson
- Alexei Angelides
- David Applegate
- Joshua Arnold
- Mohammad Azarian
- Charles Bowyer
- Bahadir Canpolat
- Gary Croft
- DaviWorks
- Malachi de AElfweald
- Jose Eduardo Gaboardi de Carvalho
- Louis Emery
- Brook Estifanos
- James L Farrington
- Matthew Fisher
- Joseph Foley
- Nathan Fox
- Freeman-Mosher Family Fund
- Rolf Frischknecht
- James Gillogly
- Darren Golbourn
- Google / Benevity Community Impact Fund
- Mark Gould
- Matthew Grimm
- Jennifer Gutleber
- Daniel Hamilton
- Chase Hanson
- Robert Hartung
- Greg Huber
- Frank M Jackson
- Bobby Jacobs
- Steve James
- Mamuka Jibladze
- David Johnston
- Kalinochkin, Denis
- Steven Kifowit
- Matthew Klein
- Kenneth A Klinger
- Oleg Komarov
- Dietrich König
- Jeffrey L. Kunkel
- Wolfdieter Lang
- Jean-Christophe LAUGIER
- Terry Lindgren
- Brooke Logan
- Robert Lyons
- Merzon, Grigory
- Stephen Meskin
- Timothy G Miles
- Kerry Mitchell
- Kent Morrison
- Liviu Nicolaescu
- Jacob Niehus
- Roberto Nobrega
- Mircea Cristian Nuca
- Matt Parker
- Joshua Powell
- James Rasbold
- Mary Robitaille
- Daniel Rothschild
- Markus Scheuer
- Schwab Charitable Fund
- Renan Silva
- Laurence Simic-Bentley
- Richard Simmons
- Seth Troisi
- Toph Tucker
- Aleksei Udovenko
- Willy Van Den Driessche
- Derek Wood
- Woomerand Research
- Oliver Zendel
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2016.
Donors in 2015
Benefactors in 2015 (Gifts of $5000 and above):
- N. J. A. Sloane
Sponsors in 2015 (Gifts of $1000 and above):
- Russell Cox
- Thomas Duff
- Ron Hardin
- Donald and Jill Knuth
- Zegar Family Fund
Patrons in 2015 (Gifts of $100 and above):
- Jean-François Alcover
- Altug Alkan
- Armar Archbold
- Peter Bala
- Benjamin Chaffin
- Ray Chandler
- Donald Craig
- Paul Curtz
- Harvey P. Dale
- Michael Thomas de Vlieger
- Leo Depuydt
- Eric Desbiaux
- Robert Dickau
- Juri-Stepan Gerasimov
- Xan Gregg
- Christopher Gribble
- Ilya Gutkovskiy
- Alexandre Halm
- Paul Henry
- Klaus Hoffmann
- L. Edson Jeffery
- Peter Kagey
- Peter Klimek
- Fred Kline
- Jeffrey Lagarias
- Charles F. Marion
- Thomas Morgan
- Joseph Moser
- Seppo Mustonen
- Kival Ngaokrajang
- Thane Plambeck
- Richard Schroeppel and Hilarie Orman
- Brian M Scott
- Jeffrey Shallit
- Jon E. Schoenfield
- Sven Simon
- N. J. A. Sloane (in honor of Doron Zeilberger for finding a recurrence for A253070)
- Richard P. Stanley
- Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer
- Jose Tabora
- Vladimir Tontchev
- Gregory Whittaker
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Mireille Bousquet-Mélou who came close to meeting a challenge proposed here)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Scott Garrabrant and Igor Pak for
- disproving the Noonan-Zeilberger conjecture)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Ferenc Balogh for completely solving a challenge raised here)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Shaoshi Chen and Christoph Koutschan for proving the Wilf-Zeilberger conjecture made in 1992)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Paul Johnson, Marko Thiel, and Nathan Williams for meeting a challenge raised here)
Friends in 2015 (Gifts of less than $100):
- Lokesh Agrawal
- Amazon Smiles
- Matt Anderson
- Stuart Anderson
- Alexei Angelides
- Anonymous
- David Applegate
- Alford Arnold
- Mykhaylo Arshynov
- Mohammad Azarian
- Donatien Bénéat
- Praveen Bhamidipati
- Ton Biegstraaten
- Valerie Blair
- Jerzy Borysowicz
- Boy Scouts of America Venture Crew 78, Benicia, CA
- Jens Byrnak
- David Channin
- Shaoshi Chen (in celebration of 25 years of Wilf-Zeilberger theory)
- William Clark
- Bogdan Coanda
- Jeffrey Cooper
- Joseph Cooper
- Nikolas Coukouma
- Malachi de AElfweald
- Maurizio De Leo
- Francesco Di Matteo
- David P. Durgin
- Patrick Ekman
- Frank Farris
- Pierandrea Formusa
- Nathan Fox
- Freeman-Mosher Family Fund
- Tim Fulford
- Massimo Galasi
- Jeremy Gardiner
- Darren Golbourn
- António Gonçalves
- Google / Benevity Community Impact Fund
- Mats Granvik
- Merzon Grigory
- Richard Grossman
- Thomas Guglielmo
- Rick Gutleber
- Jim Heasley
- Enrique Pérez Herrero
- Scott Howe
- Mohsen Hozan
- Frank M Jackson
- Jagernot
- Gustavo Diaz Jerez
- David Johnston
- Karl Keller
- Daniel Krenn
- Wolfdieter Lang
- Robert Laszio
- Stephen N Lee
- Li Wen-wei
- Zhe Lu
- Robert Lyons
- Antonio Roldan Martinez
- Brett Menzies
- Stephen Meskin
- Donald Mintz
- Lloyd Mitchell
- Keshavram Murty
- Bas Niesink
- Bryan OGorman
- James Rasbold
- Joel Ratnasothy
- Margaret Readdy
- Michael Reff
- Paula Remmel
- Gimadeev Renat
- Gerhard Riphagen
- Ricardo Couso Santamaria
- Louis Shapiro
- Charles Smith
- Michael Stapleton
- Alan Stokes
- Xiaoqing Tang
- Lenny Tevlin
- Marko Petteri Tuomainen
- Willy Van den Driessche
- Nicholas Vasilopoulos
- Yehuda Yannay
- Terri Yu
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Ferenc Balogh for making progress on a challenge raised here)
- Hui Zheng
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2015.
Donors in 2014
Benefactors in 2014 (Gifts of $5000 and above):
- N. J. A. Sloane
Sponsors in 2014 (Gifts of $1000 and above):
- Anonymous (2)
- Sara C. Billey
- Russ Cox
- Donald and Jill Knuth
Patrons in 2014 (Gifts of $100 and above):
- Jean-François Alcover
- Anonymous
- David Applegate
- Peter Bala
- Anthony Bartoletti
- George Beck
- JM Bergot
- Ray Chandler
- William Clark
- Donald Craig
- Gary Croft
- Harvey Dale
- Michael Thomas de Vlieger
- Leo Depuydt
- Emeric Deutsch
- Robert Dickau
- Karl Dilcher
- Mac Fischer
- Richard Forberg
- Freeman-Mosher Family Fund
- Xan Gregg
- Christopher Gribble
- Maximilian Hasler
- Brian Hayes
- Paul Henry
- Karl Javorszky
- Ed Jeffery
- Clark Kimberling
- Fred Kline
- Stephane Legendre
- Michel Marcus
- Charles F. Marion
- James McCarron
- Jerry Metzger
- John Morack
- Kival Ngaokrajang
- Thane Plambeck
- Paula Remmel
- Albert Renshaw
- Jon E. Schoenfield
- Richard Schroeppel
- Brian M Scott
- Sven Simon
- Richard P. Stanley
- Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer
- Vinay Vaishampayan
- Robert G. Wilson, v
- Doron Zeilberger in honor of Lynn Chua and Krishanu Roy Sankar
- Doron Zeilberger in honor of Guillaume Chapuy for proving a conjecture made by S. B. Ekhad and D. Zeilberger
- Doron Zeilberger in honor of Max Ehrman (Yale University)
- Doron Zeilberger in honor of Matthew Russell for his services to Experimental Mathematics
- Reinhard Zumkeller
Friends in 2014 (Gifts of less than $100):
- AmazonSmile Foundation
- Graham Ansell
- Robin Arthan
- Mohammad Azarian
- Jeremy Baker
- Brian Barrett
- Paul Barry
- Stefanus Basson
- Linda Black
- Murray Bremner
- Pierre CAMI
- Paul Cantrell
- Shen Chao
- Benjamin Chung
- Pantelis Damianou
- Charles Doncaster
- David P. Durgin
- Malachi de AElfweald
- Lucinda Ebert
- Patrick Ekman
- Alejandro Erickson
- Benjamin Fagin
- Alexander Fainshtein
- James L Farrington
- Charles W P Fearnley
- Yuval Filmus
- Nathan Fox
- Jason Fuemmeler
- Eric Gottlieb
- Mats Granvik
- Sandra J Green Antiques
- Christopher Herzog
- Ron Hubbard
- Mark Hurd
- Sean Irvine
- Frank M Jackson
- David Johnston
- Leandro Junes
- Karl Keller
- Al Kelley
- Mohammadreza Khalilighazi
- Tanya Khovanova
- Ron Knott
- Oleg Komarov
- Leonid Kovalev
- Wolfdieter Lang
- William Lindgren
- Peter Lindner
- Robert Lyons
- Richard Mabry
- Robert Macartney
- Antonio Roldán Martínez
- Edwin McCravy
- Michael Mirzayanov
- Kerry Mitchell
- Jacques Moussafir
- Agnar Muntingh
- Barbara Mutz
- David Nacin
- Dmitrii Pasechnik
- Geof Pawlicki
- Robert Raines
- James Rasbold
- Nicolas Rolin
- Andrey Rukhin
- Richard Simmons
- James Stein
- Sinan Taifour
- Tutoring
- Roland van den Brink
- Daniel Vandermast
- Russell Walsmith
- Jennifer Ward
- Mike Weiner
- Susanne Wienand
- Marsha Woerner
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2014.
Donors in 2013
Benefactors in 2013 (Gifts of $5000 and above):
- Anonymous
- David Scambler
- N. J. A. Sloane
Sponsors in 2013 (Gifts of $1000 and above):
- Anonymous
- Russ Cox
- Fred Kline
- Jill C Knuth
- Tony D. Noe
Patrons in 2013 (Gifts of $100 and above):
- Jean-François Alcover
- David Applegate
- Peter Bala
- JM Bergot
- Mira Bernstein
- Arie Bos
- Murray Bremner
- Umberto Cerruti
- Benjamin Chaffin
- Ray Chandler
- Charles K. Cook
- Donald Craig
- Gary Croft
- David Crookes
- Paul Curtz
- Harvey Dale
- Leo Depuydt
- Emeric Deutsch
- Robert Dickau
- Federico Echenique (in honor of Doron Zeilberger)
- Rémi Eismann
- Xan Gregg
- Christopher Gribble
- Paul Hanna
- Brian Hayes
- Alois Heinz
- Sean Irvine
- William Keith
- Clark Kimberling
- Ron Knott
- Marc LeBrun
- Stéphane Legendre
- Francis Maleval
- Michel Marcus
- Charles F. Marion
- Johannes Meijer
- Kival Ngaokrajang
- Omar Evaristo Pol
- Jeffrey Remmel
- Steve Roberts
- Brian N Scott
- Sven Simon
- Aksel Soee
- Ralf Stephan
- Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer
- Timothy Vaughan
- David Wilson
- Eric Wolman
- Doron Zeilberger (on behalf of the many corrections and solutions of challenging problems by students in his class)
- Doron Zeilberger (in honor of Josh Smith, Rutgers University Math Dept’s dedicated computer guru)
- Reinhard Zumkeller
Friends in 2013 (Gifts of less than $100):
- Mohammad Azarian
- Michael Behrend
- Philipp Blume
- Jonathan Bright
- Stefano Capparelli
- Don Cohen
- Zoa Conner
- Bruce Dearden
- Eric Desbiaux
- Aditya Dhakal
- David Durgin
- David Edwards
- Louis Emery
- James L Farrington
- Tim Fulford
- Jeremy Gardiner
- Silvio Gnepf
- Merzon Grigory
- Rick Gutleber
- Maryann Haskell
- Enrique Pérez Herrero
- Stewart Herring
- Robert Inventor
- Frank M Jackson
- Mamuka Jibladze
- David Johnston
- Lucy Ann Jones
- Michael Kaarhus
- Alvin Khaled
- Antti Karttunen
- Tanya Khovanova
- Anthony Labarre
- Wolfdieter Lang
- Silvio Levy
- Brian Lewis
- Makefoil Ebooks
- Peter Mao
- Joseph Marasco
- Jessica Mckellar
- John Miller
- Kerry Mitchell
- David Moews
- David Nacin
- Mircea-Cristian Nuca
- Christian Perfect
- Boris Putievskiy
- James Rasbold
- Rainer Rosenthal
- Richard Schroeppel
- David Spies
- James Stein
- Robert Tanniru
- Lenny Tevlin
- Seth Troisi
- Mark Underwood
- Willy Van den Driessche
- Jeroen van der Burg
- Russell Walsmith
- Mike Weiner
- Thomas Wieder
- Shi Yong
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2013.
Donors in 2012
Benefactors in 2012 (Gifts of $5000 and above):
- Joerg Arndt
- Neil J. A. Sloane
Sponsors in 2012 (Gifts of $1000 and above):
- The American Mathematical Society
- Anonymous
- Russ Cox
- Paul Curtz
- Charles R Greathouse IV
- Jill Knuth
- Tony D. Noe
Patrons in 2012 (Gifts of $100 and above):
- David Applegate
- Peter Bala
- Manuel Blum
- Benjamin Chaffin
- Ray Chandler/Dell Giving
- Benoit Cloitre
- Donald Craig
- David Crookes
- Emeric Deutsch
- Tom Duff
- Robert Dickau
- Rémi Eismann
- Gardenia Giacoman
- Google Matching Gifts Program
- Xan Gregg
- Claus Johansen
- Clark Kimberling
- Michael Kleber
- Peter Klimek
- Fred Kline
- Kenneth Knowlton
- Jaume Oliver Lafont
- Charles F. Marion
- James McCarron
- John F. Morack
- Omar Evaristo Pol
- George Purdy
- Albert Renshaw
- Brian M. Scott
- Richard P. Stanley
- Vinay Vaishampayan
- Matthew Vandermast
- Robert G. Wilson, v
- Doron Zeilberger
- Reinhard Zumkeller
Friends in 2012 (Gifts of less than $100):
- Jean-François Alcover
- Stuart Anderson
- Mohammad Azarian
- Ralph Baggett
- Michael Behrend
- Lawrence Biroff
- Matthew Brin
- Michael Cavers
- Tyler Curtain
- Eames Demetrios
- Dave Durgin
- Patrick Ekman
- Yuval Filmus
- Anant Godbole
- Enrique Pérez Herrero
- Frank M. Jackson
- Loic Jegouzo
- Vaclav Kotesovec
- Leonid Kovalev
- Wolfdieter Lang
- Robert Lyons
- Matevz Markovic
- Antonio Roldán Martínez
- Lance Menthe
- John W. Morse
- Eric Moyer
- Joan New
- Kival Ngaokrajang
- Emily Norton
- David Penman
- Tibor Djurica Potpara
- Robert Price
- Manda Riehl
- Rainer Rosenthal
- Marc Rosner
- Albert Rossinski
- Roland Schröder
- Richard Schroeppel
- Keith Smith
- Anatol Tirkel
- Tan You Tong
- Patrick Warren
- Thomas Wieder
- Wilhelm Wijkander
- Joshua Zucker
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is also grateful to the American Mathematical Society for facilitating our access to MathSciNet in 2012.
Donors in 2011
Benefactors in 2011 (Gifts of $5000 and above):
Sponsors in 2011 (Gifts of $1000 and above):
- Bruno Berselli
- Donald and Jill Knuth
- Tony D. Noe
- Neil J. A. Sloane
Patrons in 2011 (Gifts of $100 and above):
- Matt C. Anderson
- Anonymous
- Martin Betz
- Pierre CAMI
- Ray Chandler
- Benoit Cloitre
- Russ Cox
- David Crookes
- Paul Curtz
- Harvey P. Dale
- Carl de Marcken
- Dell Giving (Matching Fund)
- Emeric Deutsch
- Dan Drake
- Jeremy Gardiner
- Olivier GERARD
- Google Matching Gifts Program
- Toby Gottfried
- Xan Gregg
- Christopher Gribble
- Alois Heinz
- Wolfgang Hintze
- Donovan Johnson
- Antti Karttunen
- Clark Kimberling
- Fred Kline
- Leonid Kovalev
- Marc LeBrun
- Shawn Ligocki
- Stephen Marak
- Charles F. Marion
- Johannes Meijer
- Will Nicholes
- Paul Nick
- Ed Pegg, Jr.
- Enrique Pérez Herrero
- Thane Plambeck
- Omar Pol
- Bradley Robinson
- Phil Rutschman
- Bill Sanford
- David Scambler
- Bent Schmidt-Nielsen
- Brian M. Scott
- Allen Stenger
- William D. Tisdale
- Vinay Vaishampayan
- David W. Wilson
- Robert G. Wilson, v
- Reinhard Zumkeller
Friends in 2011 (Gifts of less than $100):
- Jeremy Albright
- Jean-François Alcover
- Gadi Aleksandrowicz
- Anonymous
- David L. Applegate
- Mohammad K. Azarian
- Gary Baydo
- Gerard Blais
- David Brown
- Marvin Ray Burns
- Alessandro De Luca
- Joel Dubiner
- Theresia Eisenkoelbl
- Patrick C. Ekman
- Ruy Fabila
- Wei Fang
- Richard Grafen
- Mats Granvik
- JoAnne Growney
- Paul Hanna
- Stewart Herring
- Meyer Jacobs
- Ed Jeffery
- Sudhir Jha
- David Russell Johnston
- Carel Jonkhout
- Ilmari Karonen
- William Keith
- Fred Kline
- Przemyslaw Kobylanski
- Mikko Korhonen
- Vaclav Kotesovec
- Peter Kosinar
- Denis Krotov
- Wolfdieter Lang
- John W. Layman
- David Madore
- Peter Mao
- William McEachen
- Lorenz Milla
- Kerry Mitchell
- Alejandro Henry Morales
- Susan Murray
- David Nacin
- Philip Newton
- Tibor Djurica Potpara
- Andrew Poynter
- James Raymond
- Gerhard Riphagen
- Andrew Rodland
- Rainer Rosenthal
- Matthew Samuel
- Richard Schroeppel
- Zechao Shang
- Louis Shapiro
- Bob Smith
- Pieter Stadhouders
- Einar Steingrimsson
- William Summer
- Lenny Tevlin
- Willy Van den Driessche
- Sjoerd Visscher
- Al Vilcius
- Christof Weber
- Dennis P. Walsh
- Susanne Wienand
- Mike Weiner
- Robin Whitty
Donors in 2010
The OEIS Foundation Inc. thanks the Elwyn and Jennifer Berlekamp Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation for a very generous grant for General Support, on June 23 2010.
The OEIS Foundation Inc. is grateful to Marc LeBrun for two very generous donations on Nov. 23 2009 and April 7 2010, and to Adobe Systems Inc. for matching his donations.
- Anonymous (2)
- Gary W. Adamson
- David L. Applegate
- Mohammad K. Azarian
- The Elwyn and Jennifer Berlekamp Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation
- Benoit Cloitre
- David Crookes
- Eric Desbiaux
- Emeric Deutsch
- Robert Dickau
- Rémi Eismann
- Jeremy Gardiner
- Christopher Gribble
- Paul Hanna
- George Hart
- Dan Kalman
- Antti Karttunen
- Reed Kelly
- Clark Kimberling
- John Layman
- Marc LeBrun
- Kevin McCoy
- Kerry Mitchell
- Tony D. Noe
- Thane Plambeck
- Christopher Rebert
- Rich Schroeppel
- Sven Simon
- Neil J. A. Sloane
- Paul K. and Bonita K. Stockmeyer
- Kent Vander Velden
- Thomas Wieder
Donors in 2009
- Ray Chandler
- Jeremy Gardiner
- Ronald and Fan Graham
- Christopher Gribble
- Brian Hayes
- Marc LeBrun
- Charles F. Marion
- Pacha Nambi
- Tony D. Noe
- Warut Roonguthai
- Rainer Rosenthal
- Neil J. A. Sloane
- Andrew Weimholt
- Thomas Wieder
- Reinhard Zumkeller